Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hot and Sticky

Tokyo is hot and sticky today. It started out cloudy this morning and I was worried that the sun wouldn't come out at all. The sun didn't fail me. It is now beautifully sunny and 34 degrees celcius. I check the heat index and it is a balmy 40 degrees. No wonder I feel lethargic.

Last night I looked through some old pics from last year and found a real winner. I have always appreciated great t-shirts. I just happened to be born in 1981 so I felt a personal connection to that shirt.

Today I also discovered an interesting cookbook "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day". I discovered the book while checking out Dragon's Kitchen which seems to have loads of good baking recipes. I'm pretty excited for when the weather cools off a bit and I can try some of the recipes. I've asked my sister to send it to me with my birthday stuff so theoretically from September I will be posting beautiful bread on this blog. They will be much smaller because my oven is the size of a tiny microwave.


Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

Have fun with the bread baking book -- it's become one of my favorites!

Kirsty Girl said...

Thanks Lydia!